
Showing posts from 2019

Barrel eye fish

This is named as barrel eye because of its tubular eyes, to have a glimpse of its prey and capable to see forwards too. Head is large, transparent and dome shaped. Has a toothless mouth! They do not undergo diel vertical migration, and home in on zooplankton and crustaceans. Reproduction is by external fertilization.

Snail Fish

Snail fishes are scaleless with thin loose gelatinous skin, their teeth are small and occupies blunt cusps. There is a wide distribution such that the ones in cold marine waters have anti freeze proteins! It has a record of being the deepest living creature, as it was filmed at 8000 meters depth in the Mariana trench. Menu chart of Snail fish consists of crustaceans, earthworms, mollusks, and sea cucumbers. Some species deposit the eggs among cold water corals, kelp or stones. As no much details about this creepy creature it is believed that males guard the cell mass, and carry carry the eggs in their mouth. Life span is less than a year for certain species, but it could last a decade for others.

Pelican Eel

Enormous mouth is larger than the body, lower jaw is loosely hinged at the back of the base of the head enabling it to gobble prey larger than its size! Food is primarily crustaceans, and scoop on shrimps as well as squids. They live in tropical and temperate regions of the world. Found rarely in deep fishing nets only. In males the olfactory organs become enlarged, so that they could locate females using the pheromones released by them, and most researchers believe that they die shortly after reproduction.

Viper Fish

This monstrous looking fish lives in deep waters of tropical and temperate regions of the sea. It is believed to live 30 to 40 years in the wild! They attack and swallow whatever random prey they encounter. Their dark coloration helps them to be invisible and can remain motionless for hours to strike on unsuspecting prey! The first vertebrae  behind the head acts as a shock absorber. Petite bulb which hangs at the back lures prey towards the fish. Diet consists of crustaceans and small fish. Migration from deep to shallow waters is observed at night. Not much details available about its reproduction, but believed to follow the usual external fertilization technique.

Flashlight Fish

Looks like Venom isn't it? I mean the eyes... Though it is non deep sea fish it has bio-luminescent organs below the eyes. Yes what you see is not the eyes, but light emitting organs, this bio-luminescence is brought about by bacteria working as light producing factories within the organ. They are nocturnal and have a flap of skin to veil and reveal its light thus it seems to blink. This ability helps to confuse predators and communicate with other members of the species. Females larger than males, and protect males from intruders! Diet is zooplankton, shrimp, and small fish. External fertilization occurs, about 600 eggs produced by females.  For more info check out the link below:

Lantern fish

The name of the fish reveals its identity. Have a slender compressed body, and terminal mouth with small teeth. They feed on zooplankton, hence they stay in deep waters during the day and rise up in the night as they follow the migration of zooplankton, this is called as diel vertical migration. This strategy is followed to prevent predation as well. Photophores (light producing organs) present in the body and head. Reproduction done by releasing eggs into the water and then fertilized externally by males.

Angler Fish

It looks fantastic isn't it? Purely carnivorous fish with fang like teeth. Females larger in size compared to males!!! Special thing about this fish is the bulb that hangs in-front of it called esca. It is powered by bio-luminescence, through symbiotic relationship with bacteria. Enormous size of jaws allows it  to gobble prey as twice as large compared to its body size! Now lets observe how they mate: Males bite females and behaves as parasites absorbing nutrients from the blood circulatory system in return males provide sperms, simple as that. If a male didn't find a female in the dark using  pheromones and large eyes, its a pathetic situation for him to die without mating.

Under Ocean

Ocean is the hidden world. In this busy life of people they often forget to appreciate the tremendous beauty that lies underneath. As most of the earth is covered by sea. Lets explore the monstrous, scary, creepy creatures crawling within the mighty ocean! Before rocketing off, it is vital to study the imaginary layers into which light penetrates. To make it simple have a glance at the photo below: Deeper you go the darker it is. Light intensity decreases as you move down. Oops! Do you know that the person who have the record of diving the longest distance in the sea is Ahmed Gabr. He managed to dive more than 1090 feet. Breathtakingly, he used 9 tanks and took 14 hours on the way back!!! Different varieties of animals live in various portions of the sea, marine explorers have studied, eaten, and even burped after dining sea food! BUT, no one knows what lies in dark. For you lads and chicks, Its time to begin the launch!